Atelier d'Usinage Joly Concept Machine Shop
Atelier d'Usinage Joly Concept Machine Shop

Imperial RPM / Feed Calculators

(All dimensions are in inches)
Revolutions per minute (RPM)
Surface Feet per Minute (SFM)
Diameter of Tool/Stock
Revolutions per Minute
Surface feet per minute (SFM)
Revolutions per Minute
Diameter of Tool/Stock
Surface Feet per Minute
Feed inch per minute (IPM)
Revolutions per Minute
Chip Thickness per tooth
Number of cutting edges
Get IPM.
Feed inch per minute
Chip thickness (Chip load)
Revolutions per Minute
Inch per minute (IPM)
no. cutting edges
Get chip thickness (chip load)
Chip thickness per tooth
Material removal rate (milling)
Feed in. per minute
Depth of cut
Width of cut
Get Material removal rate
Removal rate in3/min


RPM: (Revolution per minute)
The number of times the tool or stock rotates 360° during a 1 minute time interval.
SFM: (Surface feet per minute)
The distance traveled in feet per minute by a cutting edge during a 1 minute period. The value is a combination of the material the cutting tool is made of and the material to be machined. These values are best described by the cutting tool manufacturer.
Website Note: I am working on a chart of basic SFMs.
IPM: (Feed inch per minute)
The distance in inches traveled during a one minute time interval.
Chip load: (Chip thickness)
The thickness of the chip that a single cutting edge will produce in one rotation or a single linear pass.
Material removal rate:
The material that is removes in cubic inches (in3) per minute.

Last Updated: 12 April 2015

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Québec Canada