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Theoretical Machinist
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Imperial and Metric Tap drill size calculators
Find hole size or thread percentage for cutting taps and cold forming taps in both imperial and metric sizes
Unified imperial screw thread calculator
Calculate Major, minor and pitch diameters of Unified national external and internal thread form
Metric Screw Threads: M Profile
Calculate Major, minor and pitch diameters of M Profile external and internal thread form
True Position Calculator
Tool to calculate the true position of the center axis
Calculateur de Position
Outil pour calculer la position réelle de l'axe central
Bolt hole circle pattern calculator
Convert Decimal degrees to and from sexageimal: degrees, minutes, seconds
ISO Metric Tolerance Zone Calculator
Determine and calculate ISO tolerance zone deviation for metric fits
ISO Metric Tolerance Builder
Free ISO Metric Tolerance Zone calculator. Evaluate any tolerance quickly and easily
RPM and Feed
Calculate RPM using SFM and Diameter of Tool/Stock
Calculate SFM using RPM and Diameter of Tool/Stock
Calculate IPM using RPM, Chip load and number of cutting edges
Calculate Chip load using RPM, IPM and number of cutting edges
Calculate Material removal rate using IPM, depth of cut and width of cut
Surface finish
Calculate scallop height using tool diameter and step over distance
Calculate step over distance using tool diameter and scallop height
Calculate tool diameter using scallop height and step over distance
Calculate scallop height using tool tip radius and step over distance
Calculate step over distance using tool tip radius and scallop height
Calculate tool tip radius using scallop height and step over distance
4th axis calculators
Convert degrees per minutes to inch per minute
Convert inch per minutes to degrees per minute
Calculate position from center using degrees per minute and feed per minute
Unit convert
Convert inches(in) to and from millimeters(mm)
Convert inches(in) to and from centmeters(cm)
Convert feets(ft) to and from meters(m)
Convert ounces(oz) to and from grams(g)
Convert pounds(lb to and from grams(g)
Convert pounds(lb) to and from kilograms(kg)
Convert US ton(short ton) to and from kilograms(kg)
Convert US ton(short ton) to and from Metric ton(t)
Convert UK ton(long ton) to and from kilograms(kg)
Convert UK ton(long ton) to and from Metric ton(t)
Convert Decimal angle to and from Sexagesimal angle; degrees, minutes, seconds
Smartphone Apps
TheoreticalMachinist Charts
Windows Apps
TheoreticalMachinist Chart
TheoreticalMachinist Checksum Generator
Decimal equivalents
Suface finish/texture/roughness
Tap drill size; Common tap drill sizes
Tap drill size; Thread percentages
Common threads
Fractions convert
Imperial National Pipe Thread tap drill size
British and ISO Pipe thread tap drill size
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these pages will eventually be removed
Tap drill size calculators
Imperial inch Tap drill size calculators
Calculate cutting tap drill size using outside diameter, threads per inch and thread percentage
Calculate cold forming tap drill size using outside diameter, threads per inch and thread percentage
Calculate thread percentage of cutting using outside diameter, threads per inch and tap drill size
Calculate thread percentage of cold forming tap using outside diameter, threads per inch and tap drill size
Metric Tap drill size calculators
Calculate cutting tap drill size using outside diameter, threads per inch and thread percentage
Calculate cold forming tap drill size using outside diameter, threads per inch and thread percentage
Calculate thread percentage of cutting using outside diameter, threads per inch and tap drill size
Calculate thread percentage of cold forming tap using outside diameter, threads per inch and tap drill size

Updated: 27 June 2013

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Québec Canada